Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another Semester Over!

Well the posting has got lost in translation or some such thing... I have been a little lazy on this front and have A LOT of catching up to do (didn't even get around to finishing the summer holiday posts). Ah... the joys of back-dating!

It has been a strange semester, and everytime we seemed to be getting on a roll another holiday would appear. Now this isn't a bad thing, but just made for 20 weeks where I never seemed to make it out of 2nd gear in terms of getting ahead with anything. I don't know if that makes much sense... but it does to me. 20 weeks with Ramadan, Eid, National Day/s, Eid, Christmas & both the New Years... plus another visit by mum-in-law, and really time has just flown by so quickly.

But another semester with some great students, at times meeting expectations and at other times doing far better than expected... looking forward to semester 2 where we can continue with and build on what we have done so far this academic year (and make up as many of the holes as we can in 18 weeks)!

Before we know it, it will be summer holidays again!

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