Sunday, October 21, 2007

Al Ain, UAE

“Let’s Google a city I have lived in to see if it looks worth visiting”

So what about Al Ain online?

Al Ain Wikipedia – Top of the Google results and has some links. I know I haven’t used Wikipedia pages in the other cities but thought I would include this one as it came in at number one.
Al Ain - UAE Interact – Not an Al Ain website, but I have included this because it is a good source of information on the UAE as a whole country, rather than just the Dubai or Abu Dhabi thing you usually see. As well as this being a Federal site rather than being associated with one particular Emirate, this is also home to the UAE Yearbook which is a nice free eBook on all aspects of the country.
Al Ain Portal – The Arabic version of this site comes in somewhere at the bottom of the 2nd page of search results, but the English version had the potential to be good little resource on Al Ain. Unfortunately the content is not being continually updated, but it does have a nice little interactive map that shows you where the “attractions” are. It should also be noted that this site has the “Al Ain” brand that was developed a few years ago... the funny thing is most people in Al Ain don’t know they have a brand!

I am going to be a little biased here and say that what you can see of Al Ain on the Internet is actually quite positive and does make it look like a place worth visiting; but, what is out there apart from blogs is very limited as it is for Doha.

So that wraps up the online content from former (and current) homes; I would like to visit them all again, but I think the Websites could do with a little improvement.


Anonymous said...

The photos of your Al Andalus house were interesting. We were so enthralled with the size of ours that we sent photos of it as we moved in ... empty. While we have an Australian house worth well over 500,000 AUD, it's nowhere as huge as our Al Andalus house.

Michael & Kerry said...

They are most definitely spacious if nothing else; I think you do get used to it after a while but the first time you walk in the front door and there is no furniture or curtains they just look huge!

Don't know what part of Australia, but AUD500,000 doesn't get you much these days. I have no idea what a villa like this would be worh in Brisbane but it wouldn't be cheap.