Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just thought of another “freedom”... Cost/Price!

You have the freedom not to pay hugely inflated prices for things that really are not worth the price that is asked for them! Products are really worth what you are willing to pay, without having to worry about the Government relying on the tax revenue for essential services. If you want an imported “brand” you can pay that little bit extra, but as I think I have mentioned before, I will never understand why Tim Tams are about the same price here as they are in Australia.

I think I will call this the “freedom not to be ripped off”. Cheap things are cheap, expensive things are expensive, and there are only a few things that you actually tell yourself are “too expensive” given a comparison to Australia. Of course inflation is an issue here, but the one thing that can be said is that inflation does not cause you to suddenly have to cut back on essential items.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh heavenly Tim Tams...quite pricey here in the states compared to the UAE.